Ne-am mutat pe

De astazi ne-am mutat! Ne gasiti pe ,unde va asteptam in continuare cu ultimele noutati ale trupei LA-LA BAND!
From now on you can find us on , where you can read the latest news about LA-LA BAND!

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Monica Odagiu, membra "La-La Band" si-a castigat deja primii fani tocmai din Mexic

Monica nu are numai un zambet cuceritor, are si o voce de senzatie
O voce "cuceritoare" cu care a facut "senzatie" pana in Mexic!!

 Monica e colega noastra zambareata din "La-La Band" si e full of JOY!!!

Monica Odagiu, member of "La-La Band", already has fans from Mexico!

Not only that Monica has a lovely smile, but she also has a sensational voice
A "lovely" and "sensational" voice which helped her gain fans from... Mexico!!

Monica is our smiling colleague from "La-La Band" and she's full of JOY!!!

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Dima - un moldovean care cucereste Romania cu “La-La Band”

El este Dima din "La-La Band", un tip vesel, carismatic si foarte foooarte chipes!!!


Dima respira si traieste.. prin si pentru muzica!

He is Dima from "La-La Band".. a happy, charismatic and very veryyy handsome guy!!
Dima breathes and lives.. for and through music!

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Check it out..marea surpriza de maine!!

Suntem LA-LA BAND, si suntem in noul numar BRAVO!!

"Dacă veţi lua noul număr BRAVO veţi citi un amplu material despre “La-La Band”, trupa verii formată din 20 de oameni. Dacă vreţi să aflaţi amănunte despre solişti, nu rataţi noul număr al revistei care va apărea pe piaţă. Iar mai jos aveţi un filmuleţ cu puştii de la şedinţa foto :-) "

We are LA-LA BAND, and we are in BRAVO Magazine!

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Alexia Talavutis - de la auditii in La-La Band


Alexia este creata simpatica din LA-LA BAND!

Alexia canta de cand se stie si fara muzica nu ar putea trai
Pentru ca muzica o face fericita!!

Alexia + Music = LOVE

Alexia is our funny-curly-girl from LA-LA BAND!

Alexia sings since she was a little girl and without music she cannot live
because music makes her trully happy!!

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Vlad si Rafael sunt baietii veseli din La-La Band

Stiu cele mai tari glume si ne fac sa radem mult, pana la lacrimi uneori :))
Si, bineinteles, sunt mereu pusi pe sotii!!
Cand era mic, Rafael sustinea concerte in fata vecinilor.
Acum e gata sa cante alaturi de La-La Band pe scenele din lumea intreaga.

Vlad canta oriunde gaseste un microfon si public care sa-l asculte.

Vlad and Rafael are the happiest and funniest boys from La-La Band

They know the best jokes and make us laugh a lot!!! And of course, they are always playing tricks on us.

Vlad sings everywhere he finds a microphone and audience.

When he was a little boy, Rafael held concerts in front of his neighbours. Now, he is ready to sing with La-La Band in concerts all over the world.


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Gloria si Oana din Allegretto in La-La Band

Unde-s multi puterea creste!
Gloria si Oana vin din Allegretto cu multa… alegriaaaa, direct in La-La Band!

Sunt vesele, pline de viata si muzica e pasiunea lor!!

Sunt.. Gloria si Oana, sunt LA-LAAA, si ne placeeee!!!

Where there are many there is power!

Gloria and Oana come from Allegretto with.. alegriaaaa, straight in La-La Band!

They're happy and full of JOY and music is their passion!
They are.. Gloria and Oana, they are LA-LAAAA and we like it!!!

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Cristina - Our Joy :)

Vara asta ne da batai de cap? Nu e soare afara? Nicio grija... Fiti Tra-La _La si molipsiti-va de bucuria si cheful de viata al Cristinei...

Cristina - canta

Cristina - ne incanta !!!

Cristina si La-La Band ureaza La multi ani tuturor celor care poarta numele Petru, Pavel, Paul, Paula & co

KIsses xoxo

Bad summer? Bad weather? Don't worry :) Be Tra-La _la and recharge your batteries with Cristina' s energy. She is full of Joy :)

Cristina - She sings dam' well :)

Cristina and La-La Band wishes everybody with the name of Petru, Pavel, Paul, Paula a very Happy Birthday :)))

Kisses    xoxo

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V-am promis o vara tare! Si plina de surprize. Ascultati aici, una dintre ele : noul proiect al colegei noastre, Sore. LOVE IS MUSIC!

Ce ziceti? Asa-i ca-i foarte tare?

We promised a great summer. Full of surprises. Listen here one of them, our collegue's new project. Sore thinks LOVE IS MUSIC.

Do you think so, too? If you like it, spread the love.... :)

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Numeroase concursuri in Turcia, Bulgaria, Belgia! EA a cantat de ziua Romaniei in fata a numerosi invitati la Ambasada Romaniei la Londra. EA a fost aplaudata minunte in sir de londonezi in cluburile din capitala Marii Britanii. EA a urcat pe scena multor festivaluri nationale si internationale.

Doamnelor si Domnilor : ALINA EREMIA

A lot of competitions in Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium, Romania! SHE sang on Romania's national day in front of numerous guests at the Romanian Embassy in London! SHE was applauded by the London people in the clubs of the UK capital. SHE climbed on the stages of many national and international festivals!

Ladies and Gentleman :  ALINA EREMIA

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Andrei - noul membru La-La Band

Mai nou trupa La-La Band are un nou membru: Andreeeeei!!! Nu mai suntem 19... acum suntem 20!!!! Yeeeeahhhh!!!!

Suntem bucurosi sa-l avem in trupa pe Andrei, un foarte bun dansator, pe care suntem siguri ca il stiti... dar va lasam pe voi sa va dati seama de unde. :)
Pana atunci, ca sa pastram traditia, va prezentam "La-La CV"-ul lui:


Nume:  Andrei 
Porecla: Inca nu am, dar sigur imi vor da colegii mei una... :)
De cand faci umbra pamantului? 23 de ani si 6 luni
Ocupatia si locul activitatii: Am terminat recent masterul in turism la Universitatea Bucuresti
Nu am frati sau surori, dar mi-as fi dorit...
Vorbesc fluent limbar engleza… cu franceza si spaniola ma descurc un pic.
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: Nu am un loc anume, pentru mine oriunde sunt oamenii dragi e perfect! De obicei mergem la film, in pub-uri si facem multe mini-excursii prin tara.
Ultima fapta buna: Am ajutat cu o donatie pentru infiintarea unui nou centru medical. A fost un gest mic, dar pentru unii conteaza enorm.
Cel mai mare esec: Inca nu am trait lucruri de genul asta, care sa ma marcheze, multumesc lui Dumnezeu!
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: Sid din Ice Age :))
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: Serpi si albine
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: Sa fii artist si sa creezi, in orice : dans, muzica...
Melodia preferata in acest moment: Jamie Woon - Shoulda
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: Never stop dreaming!

Recently La-La Band gained a new member: Andrei!!! There aren't only 19... Now we're 20 crazy guys!!! Yeeeaaaahhh!!!

We're so happy to have Andrei in the band. He's a very good dancer and for sure you already know him... But we let you figure it out, guys. :)
To keep up the tradition here's his "La-La CV":

Name: Andrei
Nickname: I don't have one yet, but I’m sure my friends here will find me one this soon :)
Age: 23 years and 6 months
Occupation and activity: I’ve recently completed my Masters degree in Tourism at Bucharest University
I don’t have any brothers or sisters… But I would have love to…
I speak fluently English and I can handle a little bit of  French and Spanish.
Favorite meeting place with the gang: I don’t have a special place… For me it’s perfect wherever my dearest friends are…. usually at the movies, in pubs or short trips around the country.  
Last good deed: I made a donation to help the establishment of a new medical centre. It was a small gesture, but for some of us it matters a lot.
Biggest failure: For now, I haven’t experienced one, thanks God!
Cartoon character that best represents me: Sid from Ice Age :))
Fears: I'm afraid of snakes and bees.
Coolest job ever: being an artist or anything that involves creation: music, dance…
Favorite song at this moment: Jamie Woon - Shoulda
The message I would put on a t-shirt and it’s totally me: Never stop dreaming!

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Am cantat "We Are The World" live la Pro FM

Azi dimineata, in Studioul Alarma Pro FM am cantat live un fragment din piesa "We Are The World" a Regelui Muzicii Pop - Michael Jackson

Am incarcat-o aici si pentru voi. :)

Hope you like it!!!

This morning, we sang live in the Alarm Pro FM's studio an excerpt from Michael Jackson's song "We Are The World".

Here it is for you, guys!!!

Hope you like it!!!

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We were LIVE on PROFM!!!

We did it!!!! Am sunat ALARMA live la Pro FM!!!!

Am invadat studioul Alarma ProFM si i-am molipsit cu energie si veselie pe Sara si Nicolai! :))))

Speram ca ne-ati ascultat si ca v-a placut momentul Michael Jackson cu piesa "We Are The World" pe care l-am pregatit in comemorarea a doi ani de la decesul "Regelui muzicii pop"!

La-La Band is JOY and FUN!!! 

Cititi aici tot articolul publicat pe!

We did it!!!! We rang the ALARM live on Pro FM!!!!

We burst into the Alarma ProFM's studio and spread energy and joy upon Sara and Nicolai! :))) 

We hope you listened and enjoyed the Michael Jackson's "We Are The World" moment that we prepared for the two-year commemoration of King of Pop's death!

La-La Band is JOY and FUN!!! 

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Maine sunam ALARMA la PRO FM!

Maine dimineata ne trezim impreuna. Stay tuned!!! Pe 102.8 la PRO FM va dam intalnire in emisiunea lui Sara si Nicolai. De abia asteptam intalnirea cu voi!

Tomorow morning we wake up together. Stay tuned!!! On 102.8 on PRO FM, in Sara and Nicolai's show. We hardly wait!!!

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Bubu - despre La-La Band

Dupa cum bine stiti, Bubu face parte din trupa noastra. In articolul aparut pe site-ul (si pe care il puteti citi integral aici), Bubu marturiseste caLa-La Band este o trupa extraordinara cu oameni extrem de talentati si ma bucur foarte mult ca am fost cooptat in aceasta trupa ca tobosar, ma simt foarte onorat. La-La Band inseamna pentru mine o noua familie si o noua experienta de viata”.

Suntem fericiti sa il avem pe Bubu in trupa noastra!!!

As you know, Bubu is part of our band. In the news article posted on (which you can read here), Bubu says that "La-La Band is a great musical group with extremely talented guys. I'm so happy to be part of this band as drummer... I really feel honoured. For me La-La Band is a new family and most certainly a new life experience".

We're so happy to have Bubu in the band!!!! :)

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Sore - mandra sa faca parte din "La-La Band"

Despre Sore v-am mai povestit... iar de talentul ei suntem siguri ca deja v-ati convins.

Suntem super incantati ca Sore face parte din trupa noastra. Pentru ea, "La-La Band inseamna o familie si, desi sunt un artist solo, nicaieri nu e mai bine decat intr-o trupa unde fiecare e diferit si se exprima in felul propriu fiind sustinut de colegi. O colaborare buna inseamna succes".

Mai multe puteti citi aici

You already know Soré... and we're sure that you're pretty much convinced about her talent. We're super happy that Soré is a "La-La Band" member. For her, "La-La Band is a family and, although I'm a solo artist, there's nowhere better than in a band where each is different and has its own way to express supported by his colleagues. A good collaboration lead to success".

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Dorian este sex-simbolul trupei

Vestile bune se raspandesc repede... Suntem mega incantati de vara care se anunta si speram sa fiti alaturi de noi. :)

Dupa super stirea de ieri, Dorian capteaza atentia presei :

Dorian cel mai sexy membru al trupei La-La Band

The good news spread fast... We're super excited for the summer announced and we truly hope you'll follow us. :)

After yesterday's great news, Dorian captures media's attention:

Dorian cel mai sexy membru al trupei La-La Band

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Stire de senzatie!!!

Yoooooo... Just come and go with the flow... YEEEEEEEES!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! Trebuie sa va dezvaluim ultima stire de senzatie: LA-LA BAND - adica noi!!! :)) - A INCHEIAT CONTRACT CU MEDIAPRO MUSIC!!!!!

Nu-i asa ca este minunat?!?! :)

La-La Band! Mega-distractie! O vara torida! Beat-uri celebre! Noutatea sezonului! Cea mai noua trupa din showbiz va da lovitura in cluburile si pe radiourile din Romania. 19 tineri foarte talentati si ambitiosi, membri ai trupei “La- La Band” au semnat cu Media Pro Music si sunt gata sa ia cu asalt topurile de muzica din Romania.

Iar stirea completa a aparut pe site-ul ProTV:

Mai mult decat atat... melodia noastra "Stage Of Joy" compusa de Ionut Radu va intra pe radio incepand de maine!!!!

We hope you share our joy!!!

Yooooo... Just come and go with the flow... YEEEEEEEES!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!! I need to share with you a sensational news: LA-LA BAND (meaning us!!! :)) ) SIGNED A CONTRACT WITH MEDIAPRO MUSIC!!!

Isn't this awesome? :)
And the news is already on ProTV's website:

More so... starting tomorrow our song "Stage Of Joy" composed by Ionut Radu is going to air on radios!!!

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La-La Band and the Musical "The Sound of Music"

Da, Gloria, Bubu si Monica au fost ieri sa vada un "musical". Si nu orice fel, ci prima productie a spectacolului "Sunetul Muzicii" la Colegiul National Dinu Lipatti, o initiativa menita sa promoveze talentul elevilor... si pasiunea lor pentru arta si muzica. Fireste, ei s-au gandit si la voi....

Ce urmeaza sa vedeti sunt fragmente din spectacol....Speram sa va placa la fel de mult cat a placut trupei La-La Band. :)

"The Hills are Alive With the Sound of Music.♫♪♫..."

Yes, Gloria, Bubu and Monica went yesterday to see a musical. And not just any musical, but the first production of  "The Sound Of Music" at Dinu Lipatti National College of Art, a very worthy initiative meant to promote the school's talent. And their passion for art and music. And they thought of you....

What you are to see in the video are bits and pieces from the performance... We hope you'll  like it as much as the guys and girls from La-La Band.

"The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music ♫♪♫

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Georgiana sings at Karaoke

Intr-un post trecut va povesteam despre Georgiana... Acum micuta talentata Georgiana canta "Big Big Girl" a Emiliei, continuand seria "La-La Karaoke".

Just watch it! :)

We told you about Georgiana in a past blog post....she is our talented "petite". For all of you, here she is ....Georgiana sings Emilia's "Big Big Girl", just as the series "La-La Karaoke" continues.

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Bubu's La-La CV

Am ramas datori fata de voi cu prezentarea "La-La CV"-ului lui Bubu...  Asadar este timpul sa ne revansam :)

Nume: Mihai Andrei
Porecla: Bubu
De cand faci umbra pamantului? de 17 ani, 5 luni si habar nu am cate zile :)))))
Ocupatia si locul activitatii : Muzica (Pian Principal) la Colegiul National de Arte "Dinu Lipatti"; TOBE in viata de zi cu zi si Light Designer and Operator.
Am si un frate si o sora... pe Mihaela si Vlad Cernea care sunt membrii trupei CLASS si pe care ii iubesc foarte mult si ma inteleg super bine cu ei.
Vorbesc fluent limbile internationale: Engleza
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: La Arenele Romane, Fabrica sau in AFI
Ultima fapta buna: vara trecuta cand am iesit la plimbare cu cainele meu Tess, a fost muscat de o albina, iar cand am urcat in casa am vazut ca i s-a umflat toata fata; eram singur acasa cu Tess si am dus-o la veterinar sa o dezumfle ca altfel ar fi putut muri.
Cel mai mare esec: nu am avut unul si sper din tot sufletul sa nu am niciodata unul.
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: nu m-am gandit niciodata la asta :)
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: albine, viespi si paianjeni.
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: o combinatie intre muzica, actorie si cred ca tobosar intr-o formatie super cunoscuta ca Paramore sau Dream Theater si turnee in toata lumea.
Melodia preferata in acest moment: Paramore - Careful si Brick by Boring Brick - imi plac amandoua la fel de mult.
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: BAT DE RUP SUNT TOBOSAR

We owe you the presentation of Bubu's "La-La CV"... So it's time to "pay our debts"  :)

Name: Mihai Andrei

Nickname: Bubu

Age: 17 years , 5 months and no idea how many days :)))))

Occupation and activity: studying Music (Piano) at "Dinu Lipatti" National College,  playing drums everyday, Light Designer and Operator.

Any brothers or sisters? I have two siblings (Mihaela and Vlad Cernea - members of CLASS) who I love a lot. They're awesome.

I speak English fluently.

Favorite meeting place with the gang: at Arenele Romane, Fabrica or AFI

Last good deed:  last summer, my dog Tess was stung by a bee and got all swollen. I took her to the vet right away, otherwise she would have died.

Greatest failure: never had one, and hopefull there will never be one in the future.

Cartoon character that best represents me: I've never thought of that :)

Fears of : bees, wasps and spiders.
Coolest job ever: a combination of music, acting... ah...there is also being drumer of a super cool music group like Paramore or Dream Theater  and concerting all over the world.
Favorite song at the moment: Paramore - Careful and Brick by Boring Brick. I love them both.
The message I would put on a T-shirt and  it’s totally me: HITTING IT HARD. I'M A DRUMMER.

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La-La Karaoke: Alexia

Muzica face parte din viata fiecaruia dintre noi... Ne inspira, ne relaxeaza, ne motiveaza si ne face sa vibram. Incercam sa profitam la maximum de timpul liber pentru a canta... si, astfel, am ajuns si la Karaoke. :)

O numim seria "La-La Karaoke" si speram sa va placa. :)

Alexia este cea care deschide aceasta serie cu melodia Melaniei Fiona - "Give It To Me Right".

Enjoy it!!!

Music is a part of our lives... It inspires, relaxes and motivates us... music makes us vibrate. We try to fully take advantage of our spare time to sing... and thus, we started to go to Karaoke nights. :)

We call it the "La-La Karaoke" series and we hope you'll like it. :)

Alexia is the girl who opens this series with Melanie Fiona's song "Give It To Me Right".

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Monica sings with Sergiu Tuhutiu

Cu totii o stiti pe Monica, nu-i asa? Monica din La-La Band... :)

Ei bine, interesant este faptul ca, de curand, Monica a primit o propunere de colaborare din partea unui super pianist: Sergiu Tuhutiu. La recomandarea unui prieten, Sergiu a vazut video-ul Monicai de pe Youtube cu piesa "Somebody To Love" si a fost foarte impresionat de vocea ei. Si-a dorit foarte mult sa apara in spectacolul lui si, drept urmare, chiar a doua zi, Monica a cantat in concertul Piano Colors cu Sergiu Tuhutiu si Vlad Cretu din Godot Cafe.

Si mai interesant este ca duminica aceasta, pe 12 iunie, Monica este, din nou, invitata sa cante in concertul Piano Colors din Godot Cafe de la 20:00, pentru care a pregatit si alte doua piese.

De-abia asteptam sa te vedem, Monica!!!!

Iata si video-ul cu inregistrarea din Godot Cafe: Monica Odagiu - voce, Sergiu Tuhutiu - pian si Vlad Cretu - chitara - Somebody To Love & I Cried For You

You all remember Monica from our La-La Band, right?

Well, recently she has received an interesting proposal from a super awesome piano player: Sergiu Tuhutiu. At the suggestion of a friend, Sergiu saw Monica's "Somebody To Love" performance on Youtube and was really impressed with her voice. He even wanted her to appear in his show. What followed next? Monica sang in the Piano Colors Concert alongside Sergiu Tuhutiu and Vlad Cretu at Godot Cafe.

And that's not all: Sunday, 12th June, Monica is once again present at Godot Cafe for another Piano Colors concert at 8.00 PM to sing two more songs. Isn't it great news? We'll be there and we're looking forward to seeing you again, Monica!!!

Just watch the recording from Godot Cafe: Monica Odagiu - voice, Sergiu Tuhutiu - piano and Vlad Cretu - chitara - Somebody To Love & I Cried For You.

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Exams... more exams!!!

Bacalaureat, capacitate... se anunta saptamani grele pentru multi dintre membrii La-La Band. Cristina si Monica se pregatesc intens pentru examenul de capacitate... dar inainte de asta au avut de trecut un alt hop: testele de aptitudini.
Amandoua au sustinut aceste examene de aptitudini pentru a intra la specializarea pe care si-au dorit-o in cadrul Colegiului National de Arte "Dinu Lipatti"... si anume: Cristina la actorie, iar Monica la chitara. Iar rezultatele au fost pe masura talentului si a pregatirii: 10 CU FELICITARI!!!!

Bianca a trecut si ea de prima proba de bac - evaluarea competentelor lingvistice de comunicare orala in limba materna - iar mult ravnitul 10 l-a obtinut fara dificultate!

Felicitari La-La girls!!!! Suntem alaturi de voi la examenele care va asteapta! Va tinem pumnii si sunteti cele mai tari!!!

Bafta tuturor!!!

The Bachelor's degree exam, the national capacity exam... These weeks are going to be tough for many of the La-La Band guys. Cristina and Monica are studying hard for their capacity exam... but before this they've had to pass another step in their education process: the aptitudes tests.
They both had to take these tests in order to reach the specialization they wanted at the National College of Arts "Dinu Lipatti"... acting for Cristina and guitar for Monica. And the results were a match to their talent and hard work: 10 WITH CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Updating on Bianca's progress and her first test at the Bachelor's degree exam - the native language oral skills evaluation. We are happy to report that she had no difficulty in attaining the most-coveted 10. Yes! Our very own Golden medal girls!

Well done La-La girls and congratulations!!! We'll stand by you at the upcoming exams!!! Good luck and you're the best!!!   

Good luck everyone!!!

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Truth or Dare: How was your first kiss?

Cum a fost primul sarut?
Hmmmm... delicata intrebare, nu-i asa? :) Ei bine... ne-am facut curaj si am povestit despre primul sarut. Daca pentru unii a fost "genial" sau "placut", pentru altii a fost "cel mai urat lucru posibil", iar unora ni s-a intamplat "din greseala".

Urmariti clipul nostru si cu siguranta o sa va amuzati! Garantat!!! ;)

How was your first kiss?

Hmmm.... delicate question, isn't it? Well, no more for us because we gathered and talked about our first kiss experience. For some, it was "great" and "nice", for others was "the ugliest thing" and for a few "it happened by mistake". :)

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Bafta Bianca!!!

Pentru Bianca a inceput o saptamana plina de emotii: saptamana BAC-ului!!! Dupa luni de pregatire, incepand de astazi multi elevi au intrat in febra bacului!

Va uram multa bafta si va tinem pumnii!!!

Bianca, you're the best!!! Stim ca o sa te descurci minunat!!!

For Bianca has just begun a week full of great emotions: the Bachelor's degree exams!!! Starting today, exam fever hots up for thousands of students all over the country.   

We wish you all good luck and keep our fingers crossed!!!

Bianca, you're the best!!! We know you'll do great!!!

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1 IUNIE!!! La multi ani!

La muuuuuuuulti ani noua... La multi ani voua, tuturor copiilor!!!!

In fiecare dintre noi se gaseste un suflet de copil! Si trebuie sa sarbatorim din plin ziua asta, ziua noastra, a tuturor!

La multi ani, copilarie!!!

Happy Children's Day! Happy Day to you all, to all the children!

There is a child in all of us! And we deserve to celebrate this day to the fullest. It's our Day!

“If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.” (Tom Stoppard)

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Sore sings a cover of "Someone Like You"

Everybody loves Adele! :)

Sore a inregistrat un cover dupa superba melodie a lui Adele: Someone Like You.

Here it is! Enjoy it!

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Truth or Dare: What would you do to fulfill your dream?

Asa este... avem visuri marete, dar pana la urma cine nu are? :))

Dar cat de departe am merge pentru a ne indeplini visurile? Pentru noi, ar fi adevarate provocari, iar raspunsurile noastre foarte originale si amuzante le descoperiti in al treilea episod din "Adevar sau provocare".

Vizionati-l si asteptam parerile voastre!
Have fun! :))

THIS IS IT. We dream big, but in the end who doesn't?

How far would we go to fulfill our dreams? Most certainly, for us it'd be quite THE challenge. Curious? If yes, check out our crazy and original answers right here...on the third episode of " Truth or Dare".

Enjoy and let us know what you think.
Have fun....

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Truth or Dare: What is your dream?

Fiecare dintre noi are un vis... cu totii avem... Iar noi visam maret!!!

Am postat episodul 2 din Adevar sau provocare in care povestim despre visurile noastre... Le-am lasat sa iasa la iveala. Care este visul tau?

Each one of us has a dream... We all have dreams... And we dream BIG!!!

So here it is Truth or Dare - Part 2, talking about our dreams... we let it out. What about you? :)

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Despre noi pe blogul lui Cabral :)

Acum cateva zile Cabral a postat pe blogul lui despre "Chestii romanesti"... Iar coverul Alinei dupa You Lost Me a fost inclus in postul lui. Yuuuupiiiiii!!!!!

Here it is:

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Music sets our heart free...

Cand spunem ca muzica e viata noastra nu exageram. Cantam in vis, in baie, in masina, la scoala. Cantam chiar si cand nu avem instrumente in jur... :))

Alina si Dorian sunt cei mai... La-La. Daca-i pui in natura ei se vad imediat cu viorile si chitarele la purtator. Un lucru e cert: MUSIC sets our heart free!

When we say that music is our life that's not an overstatement. We sing in our dreams... in the bathroom, in the car, at school. We even sing when we don't have any instruments around... :))

Alina and Dorian are the most... La-La crazy. Nature inspires them as they can pretend playing the violin and guitar. One thing is sure: MUSIC sets our heart free!

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