"Whenever, Wherever" - Sore

E vineeeeeri!!!... Asta inseamna clubbing si party, cu atat mai mult cu cat vine 1 Mai.
Suntem siguri ca aveti chef de dans! Deci... pregatiti-va pentru Sore si coverul melodiei "Whenever, Wherever" al Shakirei... C'mon people, let's dance!

Sore iubeste muzica si scena, dar nu numai... restul il aflati din "La-La CV"-ul ei.

Nume: Sore
Porecla: prietenii imi spun Steluta, Sori
De cand faci umbra pamantului? Am 21 ani si 8 luni, sunt un scorpion incapatanat si ambitios
Ocupatia si locul activitatii: studenta la Comunicare si Regie de Film si cantareata
Frati, surori? Frati sau surori nu, dar catei da… trei mai exact: un Brac german, un Labrador maro si un Bulldog francez.
Vorbesc fluent engleza si spaniola.
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: intr-o cafenea foarte cosy si Centrul Vechi
Ultima fapta buna: am imprumutat un prieten cu bani :))
Cel mai mare esec: nu consider ca am avut esecuri, ci doar experiente care m-au adus unde sunt acum pentru ca Totul se intampla dintr-un motiv (am si tatuaj cu aceeasi sintagma).
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: nu ma uit la desene animate asa ca nu stiu ce mai exista acum, dar "de pe vremea mea" as fi fost Rapunzel
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: singuratate
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: canto-actoria :)) un mix intre muzica si film
Melodia preferata in acest moment: Adele – Rolling in the deep
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: Daca nu eu, atunci tu - pentru ca toti avem dreptul la o sansa.

Thank God It's Friday!!!... That means clubbing, partying and more so with the 1st of May coming our way. 
We bet you feel like dancing already! So... here comes Soré and her cover song "Whenever, Wherever" by Shakira... C'mon people, let's dance!

Soré loves the music and the stage... but not only that. Find out more about her, from Soré's "La-La CV".

Name: Soré
Nickname: Friends call me Steluta or Sori
Age:  I'm 21 and 8 months -  a very stubborn and ambitious Scorpio.
Occupation and activity: I study Communication and Film Directing and I’m also a singer.
Any brothers or sisters? Brothers or sisters no, but I have dogs :). Three to be exact: A German Shorthaired Pointer, a Brown Labrador and a French bulldog.
I speak fluently English and Spanish.
Favorite meeting place with the gang: at a very cosy café and the Old Centre.
Last good deed: I lent money to a friend :))
Biggest failure: I don’t think I’ve experienced failure so far. But if I have, I took it as a lesson. I’ve always considered that “everything happens for a reason” (I have even a tattoo to prove it)
Cartoon character that best represents me: I haven’t seen a cartoon in a very, very long time, so I don’t know what character to choose...but I remember liking “Rapunzel”.
Fears: of loneliness
Coolest job ever: acting and singing....a match made in heaven :)
Favorite song at this moment: Adele – Rolling in the deep
The message I would put on a t-shirt and it’s totally me: If it’s not me, then it’s you...(we all deserve a chance to prove ourselves)

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5 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

ai o voce ff frumoasa Sore!

Anonymous said...

semeni foarte bine la voce cu Shakira :)

adina said...

super voce...shakira ar fi invidioasa daca te-ar asculta....bravo!! sfatul meu: lucreaza mai mult la coregrafie!

dany said...

Extraordinara voce! Draguta fata! Felicitari!

La-La Band said...

Multumim! O sa tinem cont de sfaturile voastre. :)

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