Dorian knows that "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"

Un cantec plin de emotie: Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word al lui Elton John... Acelasi sentiment reuseste sa ni-l transmita si Dorian prin coverul lui dupa aceasta minunata melodie.

Dorian este un alt membru al trupei noastre si, ca noi toti, este pasionat de muzica. :) Despre Dorian puteti afla mai multe din "La-La CV"-ul lui.

Just listen!

Nume: Dorian
Porecla: Dorulet
De cand faci umbra pamantului? de 22 de ani
Ocupatia si locul activitatii: student
Am un frate mai mare cu 2 ani care termina Facultatea de Medicina anul acesta si pleaca sa profeseze in Germania... very smart guy ;)
Vorbesc fluent limba engleza... et en francais je me debrouille :D
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: pe la fiecare pe acasa...
Ultima fapta buna: am dus dentistul la bunica si nu invers
Cel mai mare esec: prefer sa fie secretul meu :)
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: Batman (zic eu ca ma prinde cel mai bine :D)
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: urechelnite, un gandac ce iti poate provoca o pierdere enorma... auzul
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: broker pe Wall Street
Melodia preferata in acest moment: Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Remix by Jamie xx Shuffle)
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: You never know how strong you are... until being strong is the only choice you've got!

A very emotional songs: Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word by Elton John... Dorian gets the feeling of the songs and brings it to you through his cover. 

Dorian is another member of the band and like the rest of us is very passionate about the music. :) You can find out more about him from Dorian's "La-La CV".

Name: Dorian
Nickname: Dorulet
Age: 22-years-old
Occupation and activity: student
Any brothers or sisters? I have a brother who is 2 years older than me. He's going to graduate from the Faculty of Medicine this year and to work in Germany... very smart guy ;)
I speak English fluently... et en francais je me debrouille :D
Favorite meeting place with the gang: we meet at our crib... in turns :)
Last good deed: I took the dentist to my grandmother and not the other way round.
Biggest failure: I'd rather keep it to myself :)
Cartoon character that best represents me: Batman (I think he best represents me :D)
Fears of: earwigs... because they can cause hearing loss
Coolest job ever: broker on Wall Street
Favorite song at this moment: Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Remix by Jamie xx Shuffle )
The message I would put on a t-shirt and it’s totally me: You never know how strong you are... until being strong is the only choice you've got!

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3 comentarii:

Dragos said...

Ai grija la limba engleza! Sunt unele cuvinte
( do, to, there ) pe care le accentuezi si le pronunti incorect. In afara de asta, mi se pare ca pe alocuri iti scapa vocea. Asta e parerea mea si te rog sa nu te superi! Mai studiaza. Bafta!!

ioana said...

sincer nu sunt de acord cu dragos...imi place vocea ta :* bafta

amalia said...

sunt de acord cu ioana nu cred ca trebuie sa exersezi ....doar dak vrei sa fi din ce in ce mai bun .... oricum bafta in continuare si fi cel mai bun :)

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