La-La crazy guys...

Sunt certati cu gravitatia, podeaua este prietena lor cea mai buna, sunt mereu gata sa arate o noua schema indelung exersata acasa, evident in... sufragerie, spre disperarea vecinilor.

Dima si Gabi nu rateaza nicio clipa sa-si arate aptitudinile... Mai ales cand sunt fete in preajma. :)))
Iar Levent si Mihai, energici ca de obicei, sunt pusi mereu pe distractie... Ceea ce n-ar trebui sa lipseasca nimanui pentru ca tocmai a inceput weekenduuuuuuuuuuuuuul!!!!!

Have fun, guys!!!

They are defying gravity, the floor is their best friend and they are always prepared to show new dance moves long practised at home, more precisely in... the living room, to the despair of their neighbours. 

Dima and Gabi don't miss a single moment of showing their skills... especially when girls are around. :)))
Always full of energy, Levent and Mihai know how to have a good time... And we all should know, more so that the weekend has just beguuuuun!!!!!

Have fun, guys!!

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