Mihai - the new kid on the block

Daca spunem Mihai, vorbim tot despre La-La Band. :)

Lui Mihai ii place actoria pe care o studiaza la scoala. Hmmm... probabil va intrebati ce legatura are cu noi... Ei bine, e un pusti foarte talentat la muzica - ca noi toti de altfel :)) - canta la pian, iar mai nou studiaza chitara si canto. Asa ca nu aveam cum sa nu-l aducem alaturi de noi. 

"La-La CV"-ul lui Mihai:

Nume: Mihai
Porecla: Nedi
De cand faci umbra pamantului? 17 ani si 7 luni
Ocupatia si locul activitatii: elev la Colegiul National de Arte "Dinu Lipatti", sectia actorie.
Am un fratior care are 4 ani, deci nu face prea multe :P
Vorbesc fluent limba engleza.
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: pe Lipscani, in parc, in Mall si la Unirii
Ultima fapta buna: Am avut grija de un prieten cand ii era foarte rau
Cel mai mare esec: Am picat o proba de inot si am ratat sansa de a continua acest sport la nivel de performanta.
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: Spiderman - Peter Parker :))
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: cutremur
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: actoria
Melodia preferata in acest moment: Bruno Mars-Grenade
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: Heal the world

When we say Mihai, we say La-La Band. :)

Mihai likes acting and he even studies it at school. Hey! You're probably wondering what's that got to do with us. Well... Mihai is very talented at music - like all of us. :)) He plays piano and recently he has started studying guitar and voice. So we brought him in the band. :)

Check out his "La-La CV":

Name: Mihai
Nickname: Nedi
Age: 17 years and 7 months
Occupation and activity: I’m a student at the National College of Arts «Dinu Lipatti», taking acting classes.
Any brothers or sisters? I have a younger brother - he’s only 4.
I speak English fluently.
Favorite meeting place with the gang : on Lipscani, in the park and at the Mall
Last good deed : I took care of a friend when he was sick
Greatest failuire : I failed a swimming test and missed my chance of turning pro.
A cartoon character that best represents me: Spiderman - Peter Parker :))
Fears of: earthquakes
Greatest job: acting
Favorite song at the moment: Bruno Mars - Grenade 
Message I would put on a T-shirt and it’s totally me: Heal The World

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