Mai nou trupa La-La Band are un nou membru: Andreeeeei!!! Nu mai suntem 19... acum suntem 20!!!! Yeeeeahhhh!!!!
Suntem bucurosi sa-l avem in trupa pe Andrei, un foarte bun dansator, pe care suntem siguri ca il stiti... dar va lasam pe voi sa va dati seama de unde. :)
Pana atunci, ca sa pastram traditia, va prezentam "La-La CV"-ul lui:
Nume: Andrei
Porecla: Inca nu am, dar sigur imi vor da colegii mei una... :)
De cand faci umbra pamantului? 23 de ani si 6 luni
Ocupatia si locul activitatii: Am terminat recent masterul in turism la Universitatea Bucuresti
Nu am frati sau surori, dar mi-as fi dorit...
Vorbesc fluent limbar engleza… cu franceza si spaniola ma descurc un pic. :)
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: Nu am un loc anume, pentru mine oriunde sunt oamenii dragi e perfect! De obicei mergem la film, in pub-uri si facem multe mini-excursii prin tara.
Ultima fapta buna: Am ajutat cu o donatie pentru infiintarea unui nou centru medical. A fost un gest mic, dar pentru unii conteaza enorm.
Porecla: Inca nu am, dar sigur imi vor da colegii mei una... :)
De cand faci umbra pamantului? 23 de ani si 6 luni
Ocupatia si locul activitatii: Am terminat recent masterul in turism la Universitatea Bucuresti
Nu am frati sau surori, dar mi-as fi dorit...
Vorbesc fluent limbar engleza… cu franceza si spaniola ma descurc un pic. :)
Locul preferat de intalnire cu gasca: Nu am un loc anume, pentru mine oriunde sunt oamenii dragi e perfect! De obicei mergem la film, in pub-uri si facem multe mini-excursii prin tara.
Ultima fapta buna: Am ajutat cu o donatie pentru infiintarea unui nou centru medical. A fost un gest mic, dar pentru unii conteaza enorm.
Cel mai mare esec: Inca nu am trait lucruri de genul asta, care sa ma marcheze, multumesc lui Dumnezeu!
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: Sid din Ice Age :))
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: Serpi si albine
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: Sa fii artist si sa creezi, in orice : dans, muzica...
Daca as fi un personaj din desene animate as fi: Sid din Ice Age :))
Cel mai mult mi-e frica de: Serpi si albine
Cel mai tare job mi se pare: Sa fii artist si sa creezi, in orice : dans, muzica...
Melodia preferata in acest moment: Jamie Woon - Shoulda
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: Never stop dreaming!
Mesajul care ma reprezinta si pe care mi l-as scrie pe tricou: Never stop dreaming!
Recently La-La Band gained a new member: Andrei!!! There aren't only 19... Now we're 20 crazy guys!!! Yeeeaaaahhh!!!
We're so happy to have Andrei in the band. He's a very good dancer and for sure you already know him... But we let you figure it out, guys. :)
To keep up the tradition here's his "La-La CV":
Name: Andrei
Nickname: I don't have one yet, but I’m sure my friends here will find me one this soon :)
Age: 23 years and 6 months
Occupation and activity: I’ve recently completed my Masters degree in Tourism at Bucharest University
I don’t have any brothers or sisters… But I would have love to…
Nickname: I don't have one yet, but I’m sure my friends here will find me one this soon :)
Age: 23 years and 6 months
Occupation and activity: I’ve recently completed my Masters degree in Tourism at Bucharest University
I don’t have any brothers or sisters… But I would have love to…
I speak fluently English and I can handle a little bit of French and Spanish.
Favorite meeting place with the gang: I don’t have a special place… For me it’s perfect wherever my dearest friends are…. usually at the movies, in pubs or short trips around the country.
Last good deed: I made a donation to help the establishment of a new medical centre. It was a small gesture, but for some of us it matters a lot.
Favorite meeting place with the gang: I don’t have a special place… For me it’s perfect wherever my dearest friends are…. usually at the movies, in pubs or short trips around the country.
Last good deed: I made a donation to help the establishment of a new medical centre. It was a small gesture, but for some of us it matters a lot.
Biggest failure: For now, I haven’t experienced one, thanks God!
Cartoon character that best represents me: Sid from Ice Age :))
Fears: I'm afraid of snakes and bees.
Coolest job ever: being an artist or anything that involves creation: music, dance…
Favorite song at this moment: Jamie Woon - Shoulda
The message I would put on a t-shirt and it’s totally me: Never stop dreaming!
Cartoon character that best represents me: Sid from Ice Age :))
Fears: I'm afraid of snakes and bees.
Coolest job ever: being an artist or anything that involves creation: music, dance…
Favorite song at this moment: Jamie Woon - Shoulda
The message I would put on a t-shirt and it’s totally me: Never stop dreaming!
4 comentarii:
super te cunosc de la danzes pentru tine
pariu cu viata cel mai frumos serial va iubesc pe toti tinetio tot asa
Bravo oltene. Ma bucur pt tine. Meritai o viata mai buna si tu si mama ta. Va pup pe toti din band si keep going ahead . Felicitari pt lansarea albumului. Sunteti primul band atat de numeros si sper sa ajungeti cat mai sus si sa va mentineti in aceeasi formula pe parcurs. Georgiana- London
esti foarte chipes eu sunt micuta:((:((
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