Bacalaureat, capacitate... se anunta saptamani grele pentru multi dintre membrii La-La Band. Cristina si Monica se pregatesc intens pentru examenul de capacitate... dar inainte de asta au avut de trecut un alt hop: testele de aptitudini.
Amandoua au sustinut aceste examene de aptitudini pentru a intra la specializarea pe care si-au dorit-o in cadrul Colegiului National de Arte "Dinu Lipatti"... si anume: Cristina la actorie, iar Monica la chitara. Iar rezultatele au fost pe masura talentului si a pregatirii: 10 CU FELICITARI!!!!
Bianca a trecut si ea de prima proba de bac - evaluarea competentelor lingvistice de comunicare orala in limba materna - iar mult ravnitul 10 l-a obtinut fara dificultate!
Felicitari La-La girls!!!! Suntem alaturi de voi la examenele care va asteapta! Va tinem pumnii si sunteti cele mai tari!!!
Bafta tuturor!!!
The Bachelor's degree exam, the national capacity exam... These weeks are going to be tough for many of the La-La Band guys. Cristina and Monica are studying hard for their capacity exam... but before this they've had to pass another step in their education process: the aptitudes tests.
They both had to take these tests in order to reach the specialization they wanted at the National College of Arts "Dinu Lipatti"... acting for Cristina and guitar for Monica. And the results were a match to their talent and hard work: 10 WITH CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Updating on Bianca's progress and her first test at the Bachelor's degree exam - the native language oral skills evaluation. We are happy to report that she had no difficulty in attaining the most-coveted 10. Yes! Our very own Golden medal girls!
Well done La-La girls and congratulations!!! We'll stand by you at the upcoming exams!!! Good luck and you're the best!!!
Good luck everyone!!!
1 comentarii:
Baftaaaaaaaaaaaaa va iubesc muuult de toooooooot!!!!
LaLa Band Nation!
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